MSC Patran 2017.0.1 x64有限元前后处理
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MSC Patran in manufacturing companies and the industry itself modeling due to their ability to create three-dimensional models with high graphics and the ability to manufacture components thanked and excelled finite element that gives the user the ability to understand, develop and test a product in simulation Basic computer and accessories before making the materials.

MSC Patran is a bundle of three-dimensional mechanical engineering assistant with open architecture and all-purpose. The app comes with interactive graphics, a complete CAE environment for linking engineering design, analysis and evaluation functions provide results.

MSC Patran full power mechanical simulation to reduce cost and increase efficiency and reduce delivery time to the market. As well as full access to the geometry for leading CAD systems for building models of components is limited. With direct access, the geometry in the CAD format will remain intact without any conversion or modifications to the database enters MSC Patran.

MSC Patran for geometry format supports multiple industry standard displacement is provided. An option to import directly to parasolid format for several CAD systems and formats available are placed switch. All finite element loads and boundary conditions and material properties can be attributed to the geometry. All students in the fields of mechanical engineering and modeling their designs on this program can be used to open an account.

Features and characteristics of MSC Patran:

- Ability to work better integrate closely MSC Patran with packages CAD and solve single analysis
- mesh generation for surface and solid auto-powerful
- reduce manufacturing costs and use additional technologies, simulation
- the ability to mesh the mesh advanced
- increased efficiency plans and manufacturing processes
- graphical interface with access to the geometry of the CAD
- importing directly to the format parasolid for several CAD systems and formats movement
- command Language PCL and selection of tools MSC Acument
- post-processing results colloquial
- standardization of results from the models results
- detect automatically / interactive
- Full integration with software Arhay solver and MSC solvers three-part analysis
- attributed to all finite geometry, loads and boundary conditions and material properties

帮助产品制造商通过仿真软件和服务推动其工程方法的全球领导者 MSC Software,其发布的Patran 2017界面进行重新设计,为Windows和Linux系统平台提供了改进后的图形外观。

Patran2017是有限元分析(FEA)世界中使用最广泛的前后处理工具之一。 Patran拥有超过20年的运行模拟经验,是工程师中高度信任的多学科CAE建模软件。

通过最新的产品发布,工程师、设计师和CAE分析师现在已经可以使用Patran2017,帮助各种FEA解决方案(如线性、非线性、动态、热能和甚至基于疲劳的计算)创建一整套分析准备模型。Patran 2017的全面功能为用户提供了增强的CAE技术,从而轻松地从头开始创建模型,以及除了几何清理工具外,还允许修改现有网格和几何图形。

MSC Patran 2017中的主要亮点包括:



嵌入式振动疲劳分析功能。Patran 2017 的功能已经扩展到可以使用 MSC Nastran 的嵌入式振动疲劳模块,以帮助创建和分析频域中的疲劳模型。

HDF5结果文件。Nastran HDF5(.h5)结果文件现在可用于后处理结果。HDF5是以分层结构格式存储和管理MSC Nastran输入和输出数据的数据库。

关于 MSC Patran




Capture Schematic : Tools for advanced schematic design supports multi-page and multi-level hierarchical electrical test and validation rules hierarchy designed from the beginning to the end

Layout PCB : tool design, high quality range of application environments, intelligent placement and routing tool. RDC immediate problems while working to increase the quality of development projects

Creation Library : library management system with associated modules and components pattern editor and insert the outside DipTrace

Modeling 3D : as part of the PCB Layout and Pattern Editor was designed to preview works in every part of the design provides. Take mining for mechanical CAD. Having more than 3,500 three-dimensional model


查看 readme.txt 或者 install.pdf


Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows 8-8.1



语言 :English

操作系统 :Windows / 7even / 8.x

软件平台 :64bit

