Geomagic Freeform Plus 2017.0.84 x64
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Geomagic Freeform powerful and flexible software for three-dimensional design of industrial products. The program helps users to solve the most complex problems of design and manufacturing challenges. In fact, this product has wide possibilities and different approach in the field of industrial design, the gap between art and engineering is completely eliminated. This program is designed with a variety of CAD, scanning three-dimensional and three-dimensional objects processing, plastic mold design, modeling and other products is possible. There is no limit, it's a combination of software capabilities of conventional CAD software in the world of graphic design is that it will be able to help create innovative products and novel.

The application of the constraints of traditional design in CAD software eliminate the look and innovative engineering has completely undergone major changes. When designing this application modeling with clay you feel moved while the benefits of digital design and expertise will be too. Here no restrictions and limitations of CAD software is dry, the degree of design freedom in Geomagic Freeform comparable to traditional CAD software is not. The program automatically converts CAD models to the design and completion of other engineering software, you can do it.

Facilities and features of Geomagic Freeform:
Rich and simple graphical environment
High flexible when designing
Its contact between the world of art and design and engineering
Import a CAD file types as well as export to CAD format
Ability to work with touchscreen devices
Powerful and fast rendering engine
Three-dimensional design models
Quality and accurate output

Geomagic Freeform Plus是一款多表示、多功能的数字建模和CAD系统,主要用生产制造,非常详细的对象(复杂的或有机形状,如玩具、小雕像、医疗植入物、美术或其它雕塑对象)。

Geomagic Freeform Plus v2015.0.18是唯一的、多层图图像表示等的数字建模系统。 Freeform 是许多数字制造和设计过程的关键组成部分,而且它也可用作从最初设计到可生产的最终模型的完整工作流程的单独来源。在 Freeform 中创建的模型可使用快速原型、CNC 机加工、快速成型制造或其他传统生产工作流程进行制造。

Geomagic Freeform填补了传统CAD不可能完成的部分。您可以实现前所未有的设计 - 美丽的雕刻、具体的细节 - 且仍然能与您既有的工作流程相结合。使用Freeform后您可以充分发挥想象力、您的设计将完全不受限制。



查看 readme.txt 或者 install.pdf

Operating System

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (64-bit)

RAM: Minimum: 8 GB



语言 :多国语言(含中文)

操作系统 :Windows / 7even / 8 / 10

软件平台 :64bit