钢筋混凝土设计IDEA StatiCa x86 / x64
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IDEA StatiCa structural design is one of the best software engineers to design bridges, residential buildings, industrial and civil use of the software IDEA StatiCa. This application is a flexible system to enhance output and ease of use provides engineering office. Software StatiCa has three main parts:

Concrete: created for engineers working with concrete structures

Prestressing: dedicated to bridges and prestressed structure

StatiCa Steel: Steel with special focus on joints

Features and amenities IDEA StatiCa:
To minimize the risk of structural defects
Reduce the consumption of construction materials sectors / details of up to 30%
Reduce the time spent on design and construction / Jzyylt to 50%
Presentation Boxes Results for engineers, general contractors, construction investigating authorities
Full details of the structural design, general and predefined cross-sectional shape into the shapes of DXF, perfect combination of ULS and SLS according to EN 1990
Losses before Tndygy, balancing external loads, calculation of time, the construction of pre-defined
Quick review or detailed analysis undertaken
The exact calculation of non-linear deformation and leave with lingering effects
Design according to EN 1992-1-1, EN 1992-2, SIA 262
Working with the data model of MIDAS Civil and GEN, AxisVM, SCIA Engineer, RFEM, Nexis
By importing data from external application interface FEA
Updated segments after the change in program design, FEA

program IDEA StatiCa 8(v8.0.12.429761) 新版本中基于客户的要求提供了许多新的功能与改进。

IDEA StatiCa Steel模块中的新功能:Member Capacity Design NEW;Joint Design Resistance;Rod (tension);General cleat;General fin;英寸单位下的板厚和焊缝厚度;Formulas were added into result tables等。

IDEA StatiCa混凝土预应力模块中的更新:Combinations in combinations;用户定义的加载组;Draped strands;沿梁长度的线性应力;将物料清单输出到XLS等。

BIM links with FEA (CAE)中的新功能:支持的程序主要有Staad.PRO (Bentley) 、 SCIA Engineer (SCIA Nemetschek) 、 RSTAB (Dlubal) 、 Revit (Autodesk) 、AxisVM a RFEM 。链接现在通过一个直接的向导运行。

IDEA StatiCa是专门为工程设计人员量身打造的一款建筑设计软件,该软件不仅具有灵活高效的系统程序,而且在使用方面相当便捷,主要服务于钢结构和混凝土,也是目前为止行业内最强大的,它可以有效的帮助结构工程师进行住宅、民用和工业结构设计,尽最大可能的通过减少结构缺陷的风险,降低建筑构件的材料消耗。

IDEA StatiCa帮助工程师能最大限度地减少结构缺陷的风险,减少施工人员的材料消耗/细节减少高达30%,从而将建筑成员的设计时间/细节减少高达50%的时间,从而为每个新建筑设计更便宜和更安全的设备。



查看readme.txt 或者 Install.pdf 文件


Operating System

Windows 10

Windows 8.1

Windows 7 SP1


free space: 1GB


大小: 1.09Gb
语言: 英文
操作系统: Windows / 7even / 8 / 10
平台: 32 / 64bit