注塑模具插件IMOLD V13 SP4.2 Premium for SolidWorks 2011-2017 x86 / x64
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IMOLD for SolidWorks is a plug-in integrated and powerful software for SolidWork is trying to simplify and automate the mold design process. This plugin effective design and step by step guide to complete the design will be with you. It is one of the gold products approved for Salydvrk is also simple and engaging the mold design process, enabling the assembly of thousands of parts with optimal performance at your disposal gives you both standard components and the components are custom designed for use in However IMOLD enable designers to produce new custom components and combines them with company standards. Smart menus IMOLD makes learning easy plug-and at the lowest cost to train these tools, there is the possibility of a quick return on investment. Currently, this tool includes several modules are as follows:

Data Preparation
Project Control
Core / Cavity Builder
Mold Layout Design
Feed System Design
Moldbase Design
Ejector Design
Slider / Lifter Design
Cooling Channel Design
Components / Screws
Electrode Design
This significantly reduces product design time format, extensive tools for the design of this product, do the hardest and most frustrating things is very simple, tasks that previously took days can now be done in a few hours

模具插件IMOLD V13提供了许多新的功能,是一款智能模具设计装配体系统。IMOLD V13 SP3现在已经得到显著增强,能够更好的满足今日行业的需求!以新的功能和全面的增强功能相结合,软件通过关键的设计和生产率优势提供模具专业设计,提供更高的自动化,直观性和增强的用户体验提供模具设计专业人士的关键设计和生产效率优势。IMOLD V13中优化的驻资源管理,允许专业的设计师对大型的模具装配体进行设计,不会再受到慢行系统进程的阻碍。在满足严格的质量模具设计标准的同时,IMOLD v13能够真正帮助设计师实现生产力的最高水平。

IMOLD V13是在SolidWorks平台上运作的一个Windows界面的第三方软件,其直观的用户界面、强而有效的功能与预览特征,使得设计者能够在很短的时间就可以掌握使用软件的操作技巧,能够灵活的应用软件进行模具设计工作,进一步提设计者的工作效率。







查看readme.txt 或者 Install.pdf 文件


Windows XP SP3 x86 / Windows Vista SP2 x86 / x64 / Windows 7 SP1 x86 / x64 / Windows Server 2008 R2 x64

Processor: Dual-core Intel or AMD processor minimum
Memory: 2GB Minimum, 4 GB Recommended
Swap Space: 2x the amount of RAM
Hard disk: 10 GB minimum

SolidWorks 2011-2016 x86 / x64


大小: 1.22GB
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows / 7even / 8 /10
平台: 32/64bit