AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1
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AVEVA Engineering is a multidisciplinary engineering teams (or so-called Multi-discipline) helps to work together more effectively and systematically work on the details of the system in the evolution of the walk. As the project progresses, various branches of engineering, database engineering data such as production lines, equipment and values ​​constitute the main characteristics of the system. All of the data objects stored and managed in a data model. Information collected for the schematic design or design desired three-dimensional system is used.

It's a lot of additional costs resulting from the duplication process is duplicated as well. This application is very customizable and customize. Each individual based on their specialized branch portions of the software can be used and different parts of it in accordance with the tasks set before them. In this case all disciplines separately and together developed and will be controlled. All data after the completion of reports to various forms of engineering, design, systems lifecycle management, etc. will be provided. It should be noted that minor improvements to the separation of discrete steps or as a whole, the program is displayed.I LabVIEW stands for N Ational I Nstruments Lab Oratory V Irtual I Nstrument E Ngineering W Orkbench and means Desktop Engineering Virtual Instruments Laboratory Inc. National Instruments is in fact a platform and development environment programming language, graphics or video (Visual Programming Language or short, VPL) ; this programming language, G called. LabVIEW applications very wide variety of electrical engineering, mechanics, medicine, math, food, etc., but more observation data acquisition (DAQ stands for Data Acquisition), analysis measurement systems, automation and industrial control systems, testing and processing data used.

新版本 AVEVA Engineering 14.1 SP1 增加了一些重要的新的提高生产力的功能,可以在高度复杂的项目中增加工程信息的控制。工程承包商(EPC)在控制和沟通工程和设计信息变化方面可能面临严峻挑战。 这种高度互动,多学科流程的管理不善增加了项目风险和成本,并最终延长交货计划并降低质量。AVEVA Engineering 14.1克服了这一点。

为了回应客户反馈意见,AVEVA Engineering 14.1 SP1 中添加的新功能使得多个地点的许多工程学科能够更加有效地协调并行工作流程,从而以更少的浪费努力生产更高质量的设计。随着更多的智能和自动化,AVEVA Engineering允许在单个标签对象级别进行修订控制,并且每个学科只有在足够成熟以供其他人使用时才向其余的项目团队发布信息。

AVEVA Engineering 支持真正的协同工作,可以确保每个专业都能按照自己的节奏工作,同时还能看到其他专业做出的相关变更,并根据优先级高效地应对这些变更。

AVEVA Engineering 14.1 SP1。一个高度可配置的数据模型能够满足广泛的项目、客户和行业要求,并管理几乎任意范畴的工程数据。您可获益的典型方式包括:促进专业之间的信息交流,管理标签寄存器,与其他数据源实现可控的整合。每一个专业都保留对任何项的信息的完全控制。



AVEVA Engineering 是一种多专业软件应用程序,它能够确保工程团队协同地处理工厂或海事项目。AVEVA Engineering 能够与 AVEVA 一体化工程与设计解决方案完全集成。AVEVA 一体化工程与设计解决方案中的产品通过统一受控信息模型,采用通用流程、专业和交付文档,互为补充,提高项目效率,减少工程和设计成本。


LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit 2017 (2017Aspt)
LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module 2017 x86 (2017Cdsim_32Win)
LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module 2017 x64 (2017Cdsim_64Win)
LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit 2017 (2017Dct)
LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit 2017 (2017Dett)
LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit 2017 (2017Dfdt)
LabVIEW DCS Module 2017 (2017Dsc)
LabVIEW 2017 Compile Farm 2017 (2017Fpga_Cft)
LabVIEW 2017 FPGA Module (English) (2017Fpga_Eng)
LabVIEW 2017 FPGA Module (Chinese) (2017Fpga_Chn)
LabVIEW 2017 FPGA Module (Japanese) ( 2017Fpga_Jpn)
LabVIEW Mathscript RT Module 2017 x86 (2017Msrt_32Win)
LabVIEW Mathscript RT Module 2017 x64 (2017Msrt_64Win)
LabVIEW Robotics Module 2017 (2017Robotics)
LabVIEW Statechart Module 2017 (2017Statechart)
LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit 2017 x86 (2017Utf_32Win)
LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit 2017 x64 (2017Utf_64Win)
LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolkit 2017 x86 (2017Via_32Win)
LabVIEW VI Analyzer Toolki 2017 x64 t (2017Via_64Win)
Automatic Verification Platform for Safety-Critical FPGA (Avp254_2.0.2)
BSR Observer 1.0.0 (Observer_1.0.0 BSR)
BSR Quality 1.0.0 (BSR Quality_1.0.0)
Canalytics 1.0.0 (Canalytics_V1_0_0)
Daq- 1.3.0 Logger (Daqsys_Daqlogger_130)
Easydatalogger standalone (Easydatalogger_4.6.1.585)
EtherCAT Library for LabVIEW 2.9.5 (Ethercat_Library_V2.9.5)
Harout x86 1.0.2 Runtime Engine (Harout_V102)
Idaq (Idaq_4.0.0. 1623)
Itestsystem (Its) 2014 with Drivers (Itestsystem_2014With_Drivers)
MGI Solution Explorer (Mgi_Solution_Explorer_2.0.0.47)
NI Sound and Vibration 2017 (Nisv2017)
NI Teststand 2016 SP1 x86 (Niteststand2016Sp1_32)
NI Teststand 2016 SP1 x64 (Niteststand2016Sp1_64)
Oscilloscope (Oscilloscope_4.3.0.185)
Seesv-Postprocess 1.7.0 (Seesv_Postprocess_1.7.0)
Seesv-S205 1.7.0 (Seesv-S205_1.7.0)
Seesv-S205 1.7.0 Manual (Seesv-S205_1.7.0_Manual)
Sentinel Addon 3.0 x86 LDK (Sentinel_Ldk_Addon_3.0_32Bit)
Sentinel LDK Addon 3.0 x64 (Se Ntinel_Ldk_Addon_3.0_64Bit)
Testview Integrator r12 2016 x86 (Tvi_2016R12_Win32)
NI Vision Development Module 2017 (Vision_2017)

查看readme.txt 或者 Install.pdf 文件


: Supported operating systems

(Windows 7 SP1 (x86 and x64

(Windows 8 (x86 and x64

(Windows 8.1 (x86 and x64

(Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x64

(Windows Server 2012 (x64

(Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64

: Hardware requirements

1. 6 GHz or faster processor

(1GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine

10GB of available hard disk space

(600MB of available hard disk space (language pack

5400RPM hard drive

DirectX 9-capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher display resolution


大小: 1GB
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows / 7even / 8
平台: 64bit