ADINA System 9.3.1 Win64/Linux 流固体仿真
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ADINA System is a versatile and comprehensive software for finite element analysis, structural and fluid flow and fluid and structural simulation is an interactive way. ADINA System for the analysis of multiple issues in physics (multiphysics) such as mechanical-thermal interaction of fluids and solids and structures and some problems of nonlinear analysis can also be used. ADINA System of initials descriptive words A utomatic D Ynamic I Ncremental N Onlinear Analysis is taken and represents a system of nonlinear analysis, dynamic, Ansrmntal, intelligent and automated software to analyze issues of structures, fluids, heat transfer and electromagnetic . The interface Adina core Parasolid for analysis based on the geometry of use, so users of NX and SolidEdge can easily model geometry based on Parasolid as the Parthians and Assemblies to perform the structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid or multiple physical software them. Adina able to communicate two-way application and the import and export of Nastran finite element models op2 format as well.

ADINA研发公司是具有结构相互作用的固体、结构、流体和流体流动模拟软件的领先创新者,最近发布了 ADINA System 9.3.1 最新版本。

ADINA System 9.3.1 提供了一个单一的用于结构、流体和流体流动与结构相互作用的综合有限元分析的系统程序。分析能力范围从解决简单的结构,传热或流体流动问题到解决复杂的多物理场问题,都使用相同的程序系统。

ADINA System 9.3.1软件主要特点:固体和结构的位移和应力分析;传热分析;不可压缩和可压缩流体流;流体-结构相互作用;热机械耦合;结构孔压力耦合;热流体结构耦合;电场结构耦合;热电耦合(焦耳加热);声流体结构耦合;流体传质耦合等。

ADINA System 9.3.1 中增加了许多新的命令和新的和更改的参数与新的和更新的相关联功能。对于用户界面用户,大多数命令行参数在对话框中具有类似的字段。

对于动态分析功能的改进与增强。全局质量和阻尼矩阵可以被缩放为时间的函数。 该特征对于在分析期间仅在特定时间应用惯性力和阻尼力的问题以及在分析过程中惯性力和阻尼力应平滑过渡的问题可能是有用的。

可以使用完整的牛顿法。当使用以下功能时,此方法最有用:光束结束释放,u / p元素,不兼容的模式元素。





ADINA还可以以Nastran格式导入有限元模型,并以Nastran op2格式输出结果。因此,NX,I-deas和Femap的用户可以在其预处理器中构建其有限元模型,并使用ADINA进行分析,并将结果在其环境中进行后处理。



查看 readme.txt 或者 install.pdf

: Operating Systems

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows 8-8.1

: The minimum system resources required are as follows
About 370 MB disk space for installation
Graphics display

: To run ADINA, we recommend at least
1. 5 GHz processor
2GB of available disk space


大小: 754Mb

语言 :英语

操作系统 :Windows Seven / 8.x

软件平台 :64bit