NUMECA FINE Turbo 11.2 Win64 Linux
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NUMECA FINE Turbo software is a powerful and fast in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is. The software can be rotating machines and devices with compressible and incompressible fluid flow simulation. Multistage axial, radial or mixed flow configurations supported by FINE Turbo Shvndaz such as: compressors, turbines, pumps, fans, counter-rotating propellers, aircraft or propeller. GUI and application-oriented software, the geometric design phase to phase and visualize the results display helps you to easily do it. You can not project very fast start-up and analysis. Process simulation software is very simple with the help of the following tools:

AutoGrid5: automated software tools to configure network equipment maker Turbo, structured networks with high quality and lowest input from the user's side. This wizard mode, configuration and complexity of rotating machines to apply.
Flow solver FINE Turbo: this tool as one of the fastest and most accurate machine tool configuration Turbo is detected.
CFView: Advanced post-processing tools, proprietary streaming for you to visualize and analyze the output

FINE/Turbo Design 11.2是用于具有不可压缩和可压缩流体的旋转机械的最快CFD套件,支持从亚音速到超音速流动状态。软件支持所有类型的多级轴向、径向或混流配置:压缩机、涡轮机、泵、风扇、螺旋桨或反转螺旋桨。 从网格到结果可视化,FINE/Turbo Design 11.2 面向应用的图形用户界面非常直观,可实现快速的项目设置和分析。

FINE / Agile 是将AutoGrid5 和FINE / Turbo集成到概念NREC Agile工程设计系统中的结果。通过FINE/ Agile,NUMECA提供从初步设计到3D CFD详细分析的综合涡轮机械解决方案。当通过圆柱体限定部分间隙时,AutoGrid5遵循圆柱形尺寸和形状。应用的一个示例是其枢转臂需要被捕获的Kaplan涡轮叶片的网格。


NLH方法现在与公知的CPU Booster加速技术兼容。使用CPU Booster,NLH计算收敛高达10倍!通常使用的绝热壁不能是用于离心压缩机构造中的非旋转护罩的合适边界条件已经报道,并且可能导致在端壁处、特别是在转子的壳体处的总温度比分布的过度预测。

AutoGrid5修复的问题及相关改进包括:独立安装程序(无管理员权限);默认表面三角测量;自动更新匹配周期;自动计算参考角度;使用旁路配置时的均匀流路分布;Python:重置几何存储库计数器、LE-TE B2B移动、项目路径、导入和链接CAD - 焦点+几何存储库,及用于刀片扩展的Python命令等。

FINE/Turbo方面的改进:求解器可执行文件管理;FEA网格和变形的可视化;冷却效率;输出谐波负载到ANSYS;QA认证:改善衬垫的声阻抗(固定贴片到旋转块和频率相关阻抗)、改进R / S图像网格生成、不可压缩流体的CPU增压器和低速。




查看 readme.txt 或者 install.pdf


Standard equipments: monitor, keyboard, mouse
CD-Rom drive
3-button mouse
24-bit color graphics and monitor resolution 1,280 × the 1,240th pixel
Mandatory ethernet card for Linux and Unix on a Nodelocked license
minimum requirement RAM: 256 Mb> 512 Mb recommended ( for 1 million points)
Swap space: 3 times size of RAM
Hard disk storage capacity depends on project types and number of points; 100 Mb space is needed to store mesh and solution files of a 1-million-points project.


大小: 1.7 | 2.2 Gb

语言 :English

操作系统 :Windows 7/8/10 | linux

软件平台 :64bit