ESAComp suitable software for analysis and design of composite. A new class of synthetic composite material that combines the properties of different materials at once possessed. For example, materials in various industries to build the body of stealth fighter, aircraft parts manufacturing, wind power blades, blade helicopter and aerospace industry to build space suits, space shuttle and ... Karbrdahay great body. Composite construction is not easy to achieve the desired results should be analyzed and different take on the characteristics of different ingredients to achieve an acceptable result.
Software ESAComp product that is offered by the company Componeering to facilitate this process. It can be used from the earliest stages of design layers in the composite to composite construction professionals help a careful analysis and scrutiny. The program for finite element analysis uses new methods and precision in the work. This software is a standalone package and install it you will not need to install other programs. This real-world expensive and unnecessary. The program performs the analysis of macroscopic levels, physical properties of the composites micromechanical analysis are included. ComPoLyX processing of composites is also a useful tool for work after the software side ESAComp will have many applications
ESAComp 4.5.2是一款用于分析和设计复合材料的软件。其范围从分层复合结构的概念和初步设计到细节分析。ESAComp是一个独立的软件工具,但由于其能够与广泛使用的有限元软件包连接,这就使它可以无缝地融入设计过程。
ESAComp 4.5.2 32 64位 支持的操作系统有:Windows 7even / 8.x
ESAComp的综合材料数据库构成了设计研究的基础。ESAComp具有大量的用于固体/夹层层压板和微机械的分析能力。 它还包括用于结构元件的分析工具:平面和弯曲面板、加强面板、梁和柱、粘结和机械接头等。
作为一个独立的软件工具,ESAComp 4.5.2 具有与有限元软件相链接的能力,这样ESAComp 4.5.2可以无缝和高效的适应任何的设计过程。目前支持此项功能的有限元软件有:ABQUS、ANSYS、I-DEAS、MSC Nastran、NISA等,ESAComp还开发出了升级的交互式界面,这样使其成为以上软件后处理能力的一个必要的组成部分。
EASComp 软件具有用来存储有关材料性能(纤维,树脂材料,单层)、层合板、结构单元(梁横截面,板,机械和胶接接头)以及载荷工况的数据库。
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Operating System is average
大小: 4.27Gb
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 8.X,10
平台: 32/64bit