LMS TecWare appropriate software to analyze and assess the strength of depreciable products. After months of trying to run a product like the idea, but the product is really ready for long-term activities in the real world? Our product is in good physical condition and how the environment can survive? Under pressure and harsh working conditions, how? Is it durable enough for the desired purpose? Speaking in Mechanical Engineering from the forces and interactions on each other. This is an incorrect setting one piece, its odd angles, bending slightly less or more long-term safety of an affected system.
Various software products and devices for measuring physical strength that Siemens is one of the best options LMS TecWare. After his experiments on this program well after the industry was purchased by Siemens and is now supported and developed by the company. The program simulates the physical conditions of various loads and harsh working conditions, the durability, the amount of depreciable and mechanical systems to identify strengths and weaknesses and provide comprehensive reports.
The software upgrade process stability plays a major role with the classification results of the analysis, engineers will assist in improving the quality and enhance product durability. Program graphical user interface is simple and it's not hard to work with. To know the news of the code and not text commands. Everything is done with the mouse and graphical windows. Enter your desired parameters through graphical controls. You can go anywhere in the app unclear comprehensive guide software to acquire necessary information
Siemens LMS TecWare 3.112016 Windows +Linux 32位版。支持64位系统。
LMS TesWare软件包您可以执行以下任务:
- 高效处理大量数据
- 阐明Pleven普列文的测试,台架测试和KEA结果数据
- 有效地管理数据收集
- 分析疲劳
- 加快耐久性试验过程
- 创建测试时间表LMS TecWare是市场领先的模块化的载荷分析和合成的完整解决方案。LMS在汽车业的广泛的经验和先进技术满足了用户的需求并给予了更多,许多工具超越了目前的发展水平,使现有的处理过程自动化。除传统的分析手段如交互式的载荷信号处理编辑、雨流计数分析和雨流图的编辑等之外,LMS的独特技术如旋转部件的雨流分析、使用工况外推、复杂部件的多轴载荷处理、考虑到能量和频率响应的雨流投影滤波器,足使您轻松应对复杂的分析,使您深入洞察真正作用在整车或零部件上的载荷。
Siemens LMS TecWare 3.11提供了一套处理耐久性载荷数据的模块化解决方案,软件可以简化采集载荷数据和分析耐久性特点的整个流程,为可靠的仿真分析、外场测试和振动台测试准备数据,将工程师从模糊的指令和复杂的程序中解放出来。 LMS Tecware 可以帮助用户您在整个开发流程中更加准确、深入地了解新产品设计的耐久性能。
Siemens LMS TecWare 3.11集成并自动化了原始数据处理过程,有效地简化和提升了从数据输入到报告生成的工作流程。最新版本为而久性载荷处理和验证提供了一个完整及用户友好的解决方案。可在提高试验效率的同时大减少测试数据分析和报告时间。
查看 readme.txt
LMS TecWare Compatibility
OS: Windows XP SP3 (x86) / Windows Vista SP2 (x86 or x64) / Windows 7 SP1 (x86 or x64)
CPU: 1 GHz
Resoulotion: the 1,280th × the 1,024th pixels
Hard: at least 1.1 GB hard disk space ( including 250 MB example data)
大小: 1.15GB
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows XP SP3 (x86) / Windows Vista SP2 (x86 or x64) / Windows 7 SP1 (x86 or x64)
平台: 32/64bit