PCB设计仿真Proteus 8 Professional 8.5 SP1 Build 22252 + Portable
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Proteus Professional is one of the best and most powerful software applications, electronic circuit design and simulation is MicroProcessor or microcontroller and microprocessor. Design of PCB (Printed Circuit Board stands and means of printed circuit boards) and schematic maps are also among the capabilities of the Proteus. The program consists of several modules and components that it comprises Aslytrynhay ISIS Schematic Capture; the schematic design and simulation of analog circuits, logic and microcontroller, the PROSPICE Mixed mode SPICE simulation; simulation based on Spice models, the ARES PCB Layout; circuit board design printed or without entering through the schematic (from the ISIS) is

16年12月份更新版本:EDA仿真工具软件Proteus 8.5 SP1 with Advanced Simulation(220M左右)。

Proteus 8.5 SP0 with Advanced Simulation(带高级仿真)

Labcenter电子的电子CAD(原理图,仿真和PCB自动布线)软件的领先开发商已经发布了8.4版本Proteus PCB,是Proteus设计套件的CAD软件的最新发布。Proteus 8.4 SP0 with Advanced Simulation安装也比较简单,安装的时候选择许可证就可以了。具体安装过程请参考下载地址中的安装视频就可以了。

Proteus PCB设计相结合的原理图捕获和ARES PCB布线方案,提供了强大的,集成的,易于使用的工具套件的专业PCB设计。

所有Proteus PCB设计的产品包括集成的基于形状的自动布线器和一个基本的SPICE仿真功能作为标准配置。更高级的路由模式都包含在Proteus PCB设计2级及以上,而仿真功能,可以通过购买高级仿真选项和/或微控制器,模拟能力得到增强。Proteus 8.4新功能:
- 适用于Windows 10官方支持。
- 系统范围的更新,以支持高DPI显示器。
- 在PCB布局模块中增加了设计规则了解弧形跟踪。
- 从弯曲和斜接跟踪改进的电源层间隙。
- 增强的BOM报告和取放的输出格式。
- 为DXF输出的各种兼容性的改进。
- 在MSP430G2x完成变种。






Proteus Design Suite 8.5 Pro SP0

Proteus 8.4 SP0 with Advanced Simulation

Proteus 8.3 SP2 with Advanced Simulation

Proteus_Professional 8.1 SP1 Build 17358


查看 readme.txt


Software and hardware prerequisites for this software, the manufacturer has not been released, but the studies done in accordance with applicable minimum and use


大小: 1.4GB
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1 /10
平台: 32/64bit