Tekla Structures formerly Xsteel, powerful software BIM (Building information modeling, and means stands for Building Information Modeling) for civil engineers, contractors are. The software provides an environment for users which can take three-dimensional model and two-dimensional map to be extracted from them. Models made by this application is accurate and reliable information that is required to build an information system to provide appropriate buildings. Using Tekla Structures workflow in your company will experience much smoother. Tekla is compatible with all materials with which to build the most complex of buildings; sham limitations of the software you specify.
Tekla Structures,目前市场上最先进的BIM软件,可以对任何的钢结构混凝土结构进行精确和可构造性的建模。新的软件版本甚至提供了更高效的建模,在制造和构造阶段,允许通过轻松避免昂贵的错误来提高生产率新的 Tekla Structures 用户界面提供了比较流畅的用户体验和较短的学习曲线,内置的多个新功能使得建模变的更为容易,并帮助加快设计过程。可自定义的菜单和易于识别的图标帮助用户节省时间,提高建模效率,而且其中统一的颜色帮助他们立即发现他们在模型中寻找的什么。
使用 Tekla Structures ,通过其先进的功能使协作变得更为容易和可靠,如工业基础类(IFC)文件更改管理。当在建筑项目上工作的另一个学科进行更改时,Tekla Structures用户现在可以看到IFC参考模型中已更改的内容。
此外 Tekla 模型共享的可实化和追踪改进通过复杂的变更管理实现协作。该工具允许团队成员从任何位置或时区在相同的模型上工作,可帮助更快速更灵活的交付项目。更改列表允许特定的过滤和搜索。
大小: 876Mb
语言: 多国语言
操作系统: Windows / Vista / 7even / 8 /10
平台: 64bit