WorkNC software for CNC machine is programmed. With this program you can double or 5-axis CNC devices for a variety of programming and detect errors and potential problems in a safe environment programs. This application is widely used by car manufacturers in Western countries, Japan and Korea used and in addition to the automotive industry is one of the most important application of CNC machines has many applications in other industries. WorkNC CAM software as a whole is that it can be a variety of systems and processes using high precision CNC programming and simulation.
WorkNC CAM软件是世界领先的模具制造2-5轴CNC编程软件,目前几乎欧美和日韩所有的汽车厂商和其它行业的OEM厂家都在使用WorkNC。其一直保持着改进其知名的有效和可靠的加工方面的知识。WorkNC 2016集成了创新性的波形技术,这将加强其强大资本:刀具路径的可靠性,节省了时间,降低成本和高表面质量。
提高了生成力并延长了刀具寿命。VERO WorkNC 中的波形技术,由Vero Software开发了数据,通过同时保持机器和工具的使用寿命去除材料的一致量显著提高标准粗加工策略。
VERO WorkNC 2017更具用户友好性。在VERO WorkNC 2017中,现在是更容易在图形用户界面来选择不同的命令。worknc2017界面更直观,感谢代表计算操作的图形符号。
Processor: Intel Xeon E5 - E7 (6 to 24 Cores) or Intel Core I7-67Xx I7-69Xx (8 Cores) (Multicore Allows to exploit the possibilities of Version V2016)
Operating system: Windows 7 Pro Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bits 64 Bits windows10 Pro 64 Bits Windows Server 2008th R2 - R2 Windows Server 2 012 (NT 4, XP and Vista are not supported by Worknc-V2016)
Graphics card: Ram: 2 Gb DDR5, Open / GL 3.3 minimum compatibility (or DirectX 10.1), Processor Nvidia Quadro recommended
Hard disk: 1 TB 7000 rpm SATA 6.0 GB Disk space / s or 250 GB SSD 6.0 GB / s
Screen: 22 "to 30" Monitor - Minimum resolution 1,920 × 1080
Ram: 16-32 Gb DDR3 ECC 1,866th Mhz
Dongle connection: 1 USB port (Or 1 dedicated serial port)
Mouse: Mouse wheel with 2 buttons
Software install: CD DVD-ROM drive
minimum system requirements:
Processor: Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E5 (4 Cores) Or Intel® Core ™ I7-6500U (4 Cores) (Multicore Allows to exploit the possibilities of Version-V2016)
Operating system: Windows 7 Pro Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bits 64 Bits the 2008th windows Server R2 (NT 4, XP and Vista are not supported by Worknc-V2016)
Graphics card: Minimum 1GB DDR3 Ram, Open / GL 3.3 minimum compatibility (or DirectX 10.1), Processor Nvidia Quadro recommended
Hard disk: 500 GB disk space 7000 rpm SATA 6.0 GB / s - Data disk: Optional according to the needs of storage (Hard Disk SATA)
Screen: 19 "to 21" Monitor minimum resolution, the 1,280th × 1,024
Ram: 8 Gb DDR3 1600Mhz ECC
Dongle connection: 1 USB port (Or 1 dedicated serial port)
Mouse: Optical Mouse with 2 buttons wheel
Software install: CD DVD-ROM drive
大小: 1.142Gb
语言: 英语
操作系统: Win7/Win8/Win8.1/
平台: 64bit