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AutoPIPE most comprehensive piping analysis software in the past twenty years in the global large and small-scale projects to a high level in the areas of electricity, oil and gas, petrochemical, offshore engineering and nuclear fields. Faster engineered piping systems backed by ISO 9001 quality assurance nuclear.

AutoPIPE is the world's leading EPCs and a comprehensive and advanced software tools for pipe stress analysis provides. Despite the complex modeling and advanced analysis software features to increase usability and improve quality control is provided. Collaboration data can flow through integration with 3D models and structures to be achieved and provide a favorable environment for the development of commercial development.

AutoPIPE AutoPIPE Vessel CONNECT Edition软件由Bentley Systems公司设计开发,它主要用于压力容器、热交换器、罐和空气冷却器的设计优化。帮助你实现成本效益和准确的设计。添加了膨胀风箱最大温度的错误提示。
减少错误和耗时的手动修订。 确保您的供应链更高的效率,并改善与工程公司的协作。 在所有安装和

Bentley公司是一家致力于为建筑师,工程师,地理空间专家,施工人员和业主运营商提供的可持续性基础设施综合软件解决方案的全球领导者。奔特力系统应用的信息流动,通过智能基础设施的综合项目,充分利用信息建模来提高资产绩效。其解决方案涵盖的MicroStation平台,用于基础设施设计与建模的的ProjectWise平台,用于基础设施工程团队协作与工作共享和AssetWise平台,用于基础设施资产运营 - 所有支持的互操作应用组合,并辅以全球专业服务。 Bentley公司成立于1984年,拥有超过3,000名员工,在50个国家,超过5亿美元的年收入,并自2003年以来已投资超过十亿美元的研究,开发和收购。


Architectures supported: 32bit / 64bit

Operating Systems supported: Windows 7even / 8.x / 10


大小: 400Mb
语言: 英语
操作系统: Win7/Win8/Win8.1/
平台: 32/64bit