Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation is transforming the business of designing and optimizing equipment for the handling and processing of bulk materials. When used properly, DEM simulation gives you key design information on bulk solid material flow behavior that is very difficult, or even impossible to get using standard test methods or other methods of engineering simulation. EDEM is high-performance commercially available DEM simulation software capable of generating the powerful DEM simulations and analysis required to solve complex problems in the design, prototyping, and optimization of equipment that handles and processes bulk solid materials-across a wide range of industry sectors.
EDEM 2017是市场领先的散装材料模拟软件。EDEM通过先进的离散元素建模(DEM)技术,快速、准确地模拟和分析散装材料,如煤、矿石、土壤,片剂和粉末的行为。
EDEM Solutions EDEM 2017 v3为工程师们提供了关键的洞察能力,,如何在一系列操作和工艺条件下让散装材料其设备相互作用。
EDEM 2017的性能无论在使用还是仿真方面都有了较大的提升。概括的说有了这么几部分的改变:操作界面焕然一新、GPU求解器、集成GEMM数据库、EDEM材料模型、EDEM颗粒工厂、全新的辅助函数(Helper Function)、HDF5 文件格式、功能增强的后处理(Analyst)。
其中GPU 求解器的改变可谓是EDEM2017的一个亮点。全新的EDEM GPU求解器引擎直接嵌入到了EDEM 2017中,可以使用最新的GPU图像处理加速技术。为了加快仿真结果的处理速度,他利用了最新的GPU显卡,EDEM可以通过成千上万的处理核心来处理接触模型的计算。EDEM GPU引擎使用起来非常方便,只需在仿真时勾选即可,就是这么简单。EDEM 2017,“轻简主义”的完美诠释。
Pentium-class PC with a 500 MHz or greater windows processor running Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.
Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo or greater processor running Mac OS 10.7.3 or greater.
256 MB of RAM or greater (512 MB recommended).
2. 0 GB free hard drive space.
Internet connection.
Monitor supporting 1024 X 768 or greater resolution with at least 256 colors.
大小: 536Mb
语言: 英语
操作系统: Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
平台: 64bit