ETAP 16.0.0 x64 for Windows 8,10电力电气分析
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The ETAP delivers a comprehensive package of comprehensive electronic engineering software solutions, including load current, short circuit, transient standby, booster synchronization, cable power, optimal power flow, and more. Its modular power can be customized to cover the needs of any company from small to large power systems.

Real-time ETAP is an integrated package of electronic software programs that provides intelligent power monitoring, energy management, system optimization, advanced automation and instantaneous prediction.

The ETAP Smart Grid provides administrative programs with the ability to use tools to plan, coordinate and run secure network.

This system has the ability to manage, control, virtualize, optimize and automate transmission power and distribution networks in real time.

ETAP is the most meaningful business strategy for designing, simulating, implementing, controlling, optimizing and automating production, transmission, distribution and industrial electrical systems.

ETAP is written under a quality assurance program and globally used as a top-notch application. The ETAP is designed in seven languages ​​that can translate outputs into eight languages.

As a complete and complete commercial solution, ETAP is expanded to a real-time power management system to monitor, control, automate, simulate and optimize power system operations.

The ETAP core package is a set of core tools, advanced analysis modules, and engineering libraries that allow you to create, configure, customize and manage your system model. The main tools allow you to The speed and simplicity of single-line AC and DC circuits create a phase and three phase with an infinite number of elements and passages including minor tools and basic components. Engineering libraries provide databases that are checked and accurate and complete with published data about the equipment they manufacture

ETAP是电力电气分析、电能管理的综合分析软件系统的简称。 ETAP 是功能全面的综合型电力及电气分析计算软件,能为发电、输配电和工业电力电气系统的规划、设计、分析、计算、运行、模拟提供全面的分析平台和解决方案
1、 虚拟现实操作
2、 数据的全面集成
3、 简明数据录入
ETAP软件作为三维数据库概念中的一部分,ETAP 提供了展示或观看电气系统的多种选择,它们被称为显示图(Presentations)。多种显示图满足您不同的分析或设计目的。在每个显示图中每个设备的位置、大小、方向和符号可以不同。另外,保护装置和继电器可以隐藏或显示。例如,在一显示图中所有的保护装置都可见。而在另外一幅图中只有断路器可见,其它都被隐藏了(适于潮流计算的布局)。



查看 readme.txt 或者 install.pdf


Microsoft® Windows®10

Microsoft® Windows®8 1



语言 :英语

操作系统 :Windows / 8 / 8.1 / 10

软件平台 :64bit