Intergraph TANK 2016 v8储油罐设计和分析
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Intergraph TANK or COADE Tank is another Intergraph oil product that is being developed and used to design and analyze new oil storage tanks and assess existing reservoirs. The very high ability of this software to accurately design and analyze the design of the final design has made it the top software in this sector of the oil industry.

Features and Features of Intergraph TANK Software :
- User-friendly interface for quick and easy use

- Assessment and analysis of wall thickness, materials and materials required, thickness of the sheet and ...

- Extremely flexible software flexibility

- Support for conical roof tanks

- Ability to output graphically and as a table and diagram

- Has extensive material database

- Calculate the types of side loads and the impact of their pressure

- Ability to model and simulate wind, vibrations and earthquakes in accordance with the latest international standards.

- View information about various items and provide quick and easy help


Intergraph TANK 2016 v8.00.00是一个全面的储油罐设计和分析软件包,Intergraph TANK 2016为您提供用于新的罐体快速和准确的设计,以及内置评估现有储油罐以匹配 API650 和 API653 代码。通过 Intergraph TANK 2016 v8.00.00 ,你可以充分利用全油储罐分析和设计能力。

Intergraph TANK 2016最新版本为存储罐体提供了完整的设计、分析和评估的解决方案。TANK 2016能够根据多个美国石油协会(API)标准对储罐进行分析。最新版本支持新的 API 620 代码。作为一个设计标准,tank2016能够分析比API 650更高的压力罐。为了满足客户对支持此代码的要求,API 620支持包括罐计算、材料数据库和罐顶绝缘等。tank2016还包括增强的API 650代码功能,以及其增强的计算功能和不锈钢材料。

现在支持 .VUE 文件的输出,允许 SmartPlant Enterprise 用户去快速轻松的导入 TANK 模型到 SmartPlant 的设计环境。从TANK中创建 .VUE 文件是直观且简单的。用户可以在TANK软件中仿真和分析,导出为 .VUE 文件,并插入他们的设计到 Intergraph Smart 3D 或 SmartPlant Review ,而不再需要其它的软件。这一功能从建模设备中释放了CAD操作员,节省了项目时间和成本。

Intergraph TANK 2016的用户界面也作了很大的改进,例如更容易导航到材料属性或材料数据库。当导航到材料数据库时,当前材料被突出显示,并且可以自动计算罐顶角度。

Intergraph TANK 2016新版提供了更整洁的输出报告,重新组织的输出和表格。新闻页面提供所有最新的软件新闻。在查看计算结果时,用户可以使用F7和F8键轻松滚动到警告和错误位置。

Intergraph TANK 2016提供给了用户快速和精确的设计,TANK的菜单驱动界面允许快速定义输入,以及用于准确分析储油罐到API标准的功能。

软件根据最新的API标准620、650和653进行计算。分析同时会将风格、地震和沉降等自然条件考虑在内,并加上API 2000第4.3节的排气要求。







Operating System: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 Professional or Better x86 / x64

Processor: A 3.0 GHz Intel Pentium IV or higher AMD Athlon dual-core processor or higher

Memory: 4 GB RAM or higher

Display: 1280 × 1024 or higher, with True Color

Video Card: 256 MB or more video RAM, OpenGL 1.1 or later, DirectX 9.0 or later, drivers updated with the latest manufacturer's drivers - Motherboard-integrated video cards not recommended for desktop systems
大小: 302MB
语言: 英语
操作系统: Windows/Vista/ 7/8/10