工厂信息管理Intergraph SmartPlant Foundation 2014 v05.00.00.0018
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The SmartPlant Foundation is a comprehensive solution by Intergraph for managing its plant and machinery information. This software provides a reliable connection with the homework data. These data include engineering design, vendor data, purchase orders, RFQs, profile sheets, and all submissions. The SmartPlant Foundation provides a modest set of user experiences in common work processes to make sure engineering data is reliable, robust, and quality-shared in the value chain and among the information systems of the device. With this software, users can make sophisticated operational decisions throughout the life cycle of the plant, and make quick and accurate designs. The information management solutions in this software are distributed regularly and consistent with the day-to-day business. This software is also used in the maritime industry. Engineering data is complex and dynamic. Syncing and keeping these data up to date is difficult if only SmartPlant Foundation can handle it.

SmartPlant Foundation Software Features:
Provide safe and complete repositories for projects, inventory information, and audit trail documentation
Increase the quality level of technical and engineering data taken from the implementation of the operation
Search and find fast and easy data depending on the level of user knowledge
Check customer and factory changes remotely with a portal to minimize plant startup time and ensure continuity of operations.
Provide Fixed Engineering Content Management (EngCM)
Reduce the costs and errors associated with multifaceted information resources by eliminating the boundaries between them

Intergraph SmartPlan Foundation 2014为工厂信息管理提供了整体的解决方案。


SmartPlant Foundation是工厂信息管理时的整体解决方案。它确保安全访问工厂信息,包括工程设计、供应商数据、询价、规格表、以及所有附属文件。


SmartPlan Foundation 2014提供了世界上最成熟最广泛部署的、行业标准的、工程信处管理的解决方案。它本身带有国际上先进的工作流程和工程经验值,能够帮助客户提高生产效率。能够为工厂建立 一个全面的电子化数据库,包括其结构、属性部件、设备和文件。它涵盖了工厂设计、改造、更新等各个阶段,能够在整个从工程设计开始到退役之间的过程中,有效的管理工厂。

SmartPlant Foundation在使用和配置能力上具有多元性,包括:应用软件集成可以管理数据差异,降低差错;客户端和标准的远端查看入口(Portal)可以使工厂最高效开工并确保连续运行;工厂配置控制和工程协同可以管理变化的工程设计基础条件;从项目执行到运营的工程和技术数据的移交等等。。


大小: 1.2GB
语言: 英语
操作系统:  win7、8/64bit

